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Altice - ISIN: XS2138128314

Price: 29.8750 *
Price and Yield are from 7 days ago.
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Company Description

Altice France (commonly known as Altice) is a French multinational telecommunications and mass media company with official headquarters in the Netherlands, founded and headed by the French-Israeli billionaire businessman Patrick Drahi, and the second largest telecoms company in France, behind Orange.

Company Information

Company Legal Name Altice
Industry Cable & Telecoms
Country of Origin Netherlands
Year of Incorporation 2001
Ownership Status Public

Price data provided by WiseAlpha based on a composite of observable prices in the over-the-counter bond market. Prices are indicative, updated daily and may vary during the day.

Provided on best efforts basis and may differ from those on the WiseAlpha market place.


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