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Energia - ISIN: XS1684812339

Price: 100.3750 *
Price and Yield are from 7 days ago.
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Company Description

Energia was formerly known as Virdian, the company re-branded in June 2019.

Energia is the leading independent energy company in the all-Ireland market. With substantial businesses in both North Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, the Energia Group is one of Ireland’s Top 50 Businesses.

Energia Group has always been at the forefront of innovation and was the first independent energy company to enter the deregulated market to offer competitive electricity to Irish businesses in 1999. Energia, a forward thinking and innovative organisation, was first to market with many major initiatives including:

  • First independent energy company to build two modern power plants in Ireland with no state guarantees.
  • First independent energy company to offer competitive gas to Irish businesses and Ireland’s first independent dual fuel offering.
  • First energy company to trade electricity using the north-south inter-connector.

Company Information

Company Legal Name Energia
Industry Energy, Utilities & Infrastructure
Country of Origin Ireland
Year of Incorporation 1999
Ownership Status Private

Price data provided by WiseAlpha based on a composite of observable prices in the over-the-counter bond market. Prices are indicative, updated daily and may vary during the day.

Provided on best efforts basis and may differ from those on the WiseAlpha market place.


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