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OakNorth Bank - ISIN: XS1713463047

Price: 102.2500 *
Price and Yield are from 7 days ago.
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Company Description

OakNorth Bank is a leading digital Challenger bank in the UK market. OakNorth secured a full banking licence in March 2015 and began deposit taking and lending six months later. The company achieved full year profitability of £9.5 million in 2017.

OakNorth operates in the following two key lending segments:

  • Business Lending: which is primarily cash-flow based lending to companies that have funding requirements, including (but not limited to) growth, working capital and acquisitions. Many of these loans also benefit from additional tangible collateral such as fixed assets, debtors or stock; and
  • Property Finance: which includes the financing of new developments and refurbishments as well as medium-term property investment funding.

Company Information

Company Legal Name OakNorth Bank
Industry Banks & Financials
Country of Origin UK
Year of Incorporation 2013
Ownership Status Private

Price data provided by WiseAlpha based on a composite of observable prices in the over-the-counter bond market. Prices are indicative, updated daily and may vary during the day.

Provided on best efforts basis and may differ from those on the WiseAlpha market place.


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