European High Yield June Survey

20 Questions, 10 Minutes, 20x the insight.

We are launching the first of what will be a monthly survey covering the European High Yield Market.


The idea is to create value for the High Yield Community through shared insight.

To our knowledge there is nothing like this out there.

As such, we think a survey like this one is a fantastic opportunity to take the pulse of the European High Yield Market and snapshot what is going through people’s mind.

The Survey is 100% anonymous. We wont share whose view is whose. Only Participants will receive the aggregate survey results.

The survey looks to establish what people are thinking with regards to Valuation, Positioning, Risk Drivers, Default Rates, Returns, New Issues, Covenants to name a few.

In short we hope that it proves to be a comprehensive assessment of European High Yield today.

The idea behind European High Yield Online is to create value for those involved in European High Yield.

We do this by engaging with and encouraging those who are like minded in believing everyone has something worthwhile to add to the debate, with the sum being greater than the whole.

We are wholly independent – no agenda – other than bringing individuals involved in European High Yield together.

Please take the time to fill in the survey – we hope/ believe the insight you receive in return will be multiples of the effort to participate.

The Survey is open for 7 days.

> To participate click HERE <

Thanks for your time.



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